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Nordic Double 670

Nordic Double 670

Our specification for the Double670 was that an experienced paddler could experience a downwind together with a beginner. The Double comes with 2 independent control systems and can optionally be controlled from the front, rear or simultaneously front and rear. The simultaneous operation of the front and rear control pedals works very well and predestines the Double as a driving school boat.

The shorter hull shape in connection with a lot of keel jump enables a high degree of maneuverability and spontaneous response behavior. Our high-end production with autoclaves and prepreg enables a very low weight with high hardness and robustness. The middle CarbonLite construction weighs only 14kg!


The cockpits were developed with many years of experience, with a perfectly shaped seat and ergonomics that allow good footwork. Beverage bottle holder under the knees for quick access to the NK drinking bottle (standard equipment).

The deBrito self-bailer (bilge flap) is the most effective on the market and can be easily operated with the foot. We have revised the paddle insert edges in this second version so that a relatively narrow paddle insert is also possible in the rear cockpit.

  •  Boat: 6.7 x 0.5 m

    Cockpit length front: 155-190cm

    Cockpit length back: 160-200cm

    Recommended athlete weight: > 150kg (both athletes)

     Stability: 6/10


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